Winchester technology was adopted by the industry and used for the next two decades.
The Winchester technology allowed the head to land and take off from the disk media as the disk spun up and down.
The significance of this product, and the reason that disk drives in general became known as " Winchester technology " has nothing to do with the configuration of the product.
Instead, the first models of " Winchester technology " drives featured a removable disk module, which included both the disk pack and the head assembly, leaving the actuator motor in the drive upon removal.
Seagate, which already has a minority stake in Quinta, said the acquisition gives it access to Quinta's optically assisted Winchester technology, designed to integrate optical, magnetic and telecommunications technologies to build a new class of high-capacity, more affordable disk drives.
The new mechanism, called Optically Assisted Winchester technology, will allow Seagate to overcome a problem which the hard disk industry was bound to face; due to the fact the fast-paced development of computers will result in reaching a stage whereby maximum storage imaginable is achieved within a decade!
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