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copine meaning in Hindi

copine sentence in Hindi
1.The SAP document gives a detailed explanation of how the COPINE scale was adapted.

2.As part of the Project work, with colleagues he helped to develop the COPINE scale.

3.Category 1 of the SAP scale seems to correspond vaguely to categories 4 6 of the COPINE scale.

4.The COPINE Scale formed the basis of the UK Sentencing Advisory Commission sentencing guidelines on conviction of offenders.

5.It also states that the COPINE scale was intended for therapeutic use and not designed for use in court.

6.The COPINE Scale is a typology to categorise child abuse images for use in both research and law enforcement.

7.This gene encodes a member of the copine family, which is composed of calcium-dependent membrane-binding proteins.

8.Examination of the categories will show that categories 2 5 of the SAP scale obviously correspond to categories 7 10 of the COPINE scale.

9.In the late 1990s, the COPINE project at the University College Cork, in cooperation with the Paedophile Unit of the London Metropolitan Police, developed a typology to categorize child abuse images for use in both research and law enforcement.

10.In 1998 Taylor formed the COPINE Project ( " Combating Paedophile Information Networks in Europe " ) : this was an EU funded research initiative which was originally developed in co-operation with the Paedophile Unit of the London Metropolitan Police.

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How to say copine in Hindi and what is the meaning of copine in Hindi? copine Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.