1. For example the following gives 243, 000 hits and 17 Kbytes : 2. The two banks allowed DAC to have an entire 32 kbytes to itself. 3. Some individal documents are more than 500 KBytes . 4. The other 16 kbytes held the batch monitor and an interrupt controller that drove it. 5. Memory size increments for all SDS / XDS / Xerox computers are stated in kWords, not kBytes . 6. IRC main machines were originally GEC 4082 equipped with 384 Kbytes HDD and 100 ports for 1500 initial users. 7. I write a couple paragraphs, and I come back 14 hours later to see several Kbytes of arguing. 8. Its central processing unit ( CPU ) is an 80C85 with a 2 MHz clock, addressing 64 Kbytes of memory. 9. :100 kbytes mean 6 or 7 seconds for the average mp3 sound ( 128kbit ), and . ogg should be similar. 10. Thing is, the output is approx . 20 KBytes , and you really need all of it to get a proper picture.