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lodestones meaning in Hindi

lodestones sentence in Hindi
1.Cleopatra reportedly slept with a magnetic lodestone to prevent aging.

2.Lodestone is one of the few minerals that is found naturally magnetized.

3.On top of these, they placed powerful lodestones, or magnets.

4.These delusions would prove to be a human lodestone.

5.Lodestones, suspended so they could turn, were the first magnetic compasses.

6.Lord Loss then made Cadaver's head explode, activating the lodestone.

7.Lodestone continued to serve Phillipe Bazin even at his HQ on Althea Island.

8.Lodestones that pull metal from hundreds of yards away!

9.Lodestones, rocks with strong magnetic properties, were the agents of choice then.

10.The other question is how lodestones get magnetized.

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How to say lodestones in Hindi and what is the meaning of lodestones in Hindi? lodestones Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.