James Kazini called Karake on a satellite telephone and requested a cease-fire in order to withdraw, Karake said.
Rwandan Col . Karenzi Karake said his troops were ready to quit Kisangani, but not under fire from the Ugandan side.
Issa Karake, head of the Palestinian prisoners'association, said about 3, 500 prisoners halted the strike early Thursday.
Gen . Karenzi Karake said the withdrawal from North and South Kivu provinces involves the largest number of Rwandan troops in neighboring Congo.
"These days, we do more resettlements than fighting, " said Col . Karenzi Karake, army commander for northern Rwanda.
It began Friday as Rwanda prepared to conclude the pull out from southern Katanga province after a successful withdrawal from Maniema province, Karake said.
"Instead of just pushing them away, we're trying to corner them, " said Lt . Col . Karenzi Karake.
"There will be widespread violence " if the prisoners are not freed, said Issa Karake, head of the Palestinian Prisoners Club.
Karenzi Karake, the Rwandan Army chief of operations, said in the capital, Kigali, denied that Rwandan troops were involved in the fighting.
Col . Karake Karenzi, commander of operations for the Rwandan army, said in a telephone interview from Pweto as his troops began leaving the town.
How to say karake in Hindi and what is the meaning of karake in Hindi? karake Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.